From Africa to North America and all points in between, Special K is taking care of business tonight...
will bernard 4-tet—medecine hat—boom town
the hummers—the hummers—track #5
john scofield—a go go—a go go
medeski martin wood—combustication—track #1
mood ruff—night life types—night life types
mc solaar—prose combat—obsolete
k-os—joyful rebellion—man i used to be
lady sovereign—public warning—9 to 5
john smith—growing pains—anytime
kid koala—some of my best friends are djs—stompin at le savoi
kid koala—some of my best friends are djs—robochacha
lancelot layne—calypso soul 70—yo tink it sorf
peter king—nigeria 70 lagos jump—african dialects
the souljazz orchestra—manifesto—interested benevolence
femi kuti—the definitive collection—beng beng beng
wisdom —africafunk—nefertiti
the herbaliser—smae as it never was—just wont stop
de la soul—the grind date —the grind date
dizzy gillespi—the roots of acid jazz- various artists—swing low sweet cadillac
richard 'groove' holmes—blue note rare groove—groovin' for mr g
wes montgomery—talkin' verve roots of acid jazz—o.g.d.
de-phazz—saint-germain des pres cafe—godsdog
james brown kenny dope remix—verve remixed4—there was a time
stevie wonder—songs in the key of life—another star
To download the December 26th show, go to: www.ckuw.ca