Funky Cutz...Check Ça Phat Cutz of the month

Amp Fiddler, Sly & Robbie - Inspiration Information
Groove on down to your local record store & pick up these choice cuts. Or go to:

Monday, 31 March 2014

Reminder about this show coming up this weekend

Brandon University Big Band Orchestra

Saturday, April 5, 2014
@ the West End Cultural Centre,
586 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg

featuring Flo

This concert will feature music from various genres: traditional jazz, reggae, afro-beat, funk, hip hop, etc. Definitely not to be missed!

Tickets:  $10
Doors open at 7:15
Shows at 8:00 (1st set) and 9:30  (2nd set)

** Stay tuned to Check Ca in April as we will feature music from the director of Brandon University Big Band (Professor at the School of Music), esteemed multi-intrumentalist  Michael Cain ( An interview with Michael Cain  is also planned later in the month. Keep it locked to CKUW 95.9 FM!

... and kudos to the folks from the University of Manitoba School of Music Jazz Program who played some amazing sets at the fundraiser for the Horace Patterson Foundation Inc. this past Sunday on March 30, 2014. Steve Kirby, Derrick Gardner, Anna-Lisa Kirby, Joanna Majoko, Ismaila Alfa, and the UofM Jazz Orchestra. The musicians were enthusiastic and generous - even though many were appearing later in Juno events. A successful event for the Horace Patterson Foundation scholarship fund!
Hope folks enjoyed some of the fabulous entertainment for the Junos in Winnipeg this.  Notez some of these Check Ca friendly local music outfits that rocked the town this weekend.

Grand Analog 
Awesome show on Friday night at the Exchange Event Centre where Juno nominee Shad  ( a surprise and most welcome appearance - kickin' it old skool with a Maestro Fresh Wes jam!

The Lytics
...who rocked the house with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, along with other local heroes: Imaginary Cities, Nathan Music Co. and Juno nominees Royal Canoe.

The Mariachi Ghost
A fun night was had by all with The Mariachi Ghost rocking out with local Reggae group the Rastamils and the indescribable Juno nominees Lemon Bucket Orkestra ( from Toronto.

Chic Gamine -
Moses Mayes -
... who played the Metropolitan Entertainment Centre. Let the good times roll!

Some fine local jazz favourites
Erin Propp -
This vocalist appeared at The Current with her Juno nominee co-hort Larry Roy.
Will Bonness -
Omni-present pianist extraordinaire doing his own thang at The Garage.

Casimiro Nhussi -
Flo  -
...who played The Pyramid with Rod Hussey Revue. 

Spinning with style at the MEME  (Manitoba Electronic Music Exhibition) event at the Metropolitan. 

Cheers to these and all the incredible artists who reminded all of Canada during the 2014 Junos that great music comes from Manitoba! 

Did we miss an awesome show this past weekend featuring local talent? Let us know at 

Friday, 28 March 2014

Okay, one more since i'm on a roll...
Well, two more really. 

First off, this Sunday, March 30, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.


presents an Afternoon of JAZZ

with Steve & Anna-Lisa Kirby, Derrick Gardner, Ismalia Alfa, the University of Manitoba Jazz Orchestra

Sunday March 30th, 2014, 5:00 pm
Centro Caboto Centre
1055 Wilkes Avenue, Winnipeg

Advance Tickets $16.00, At Door $20.00, Students $10.00
Purchase by calling 204 254-1744 or Olsen Jarvis at 204 294 8384 or Sybil Russell at 204 694 9601

Food Kiosks & Cash Bar

Funds from this event go the Scholarship Fund

For more infomation about the the Horace Patterson Foundation at


And coming up soon on Saturday, April 5, 2014 at 8:00 p.m.

Brandon University Big Band Orchestra

@ the West End Cultural Centre,
586 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg

featuring Flo

This concert will feature music from various genres: traditional jazz, reggae, afro-beat, funk, hip hop, etc. Definitely not to be missed!

Tickets:  $10
Doors open at 7:15
Shows at 8:00 (1st set) and 9:30  (2nd set)

** stay tuned to Check Ca in April as we will feature music from the director of Brandon University Big Band (Professor at the School of Music), esteemed multi-intrumentalist  Michael Cain ( An interview with Michael Cain  is also planned later in the month. Keep it locked to CKUW 95.9 FM!

Hey Folks! 

After a long pause where the blog was grossly out of date, we decided it was time to post some updates with some Check Ca-friendly Juno events. 

The next stretch will probably have us bringing you some interviews about with artists we're groovin' to. Stay tuned to CKUW 95.9 FM or! 

special K & soulSYS


S'up!  Junos y'all!

Hope everyone is taking in some of the awesome shows during the Junos in Winnipeg this year.

Vesta Fest March 28-30 
at Rudolph Rocker in the Exchange,3rd Floor 91 Albert St
Lots of fabulous local artists at these after parties!

Manitoba Rocks!

Date: March 28 and 29 at 8:00pm and March 30 at 2:00pm.
Time: 8:00pm
Location: Centennial Concert Hall, 555 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB
What: Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra’s Alexander Mickelthwate conducts Imaginary Cities, Royal Canoe, Nathan, The Lytics.
- See more at: Rocks!

Date: March 28 and 29 at 8:00pm and March 30 at 2:00pm.
Time: 8:00pm
Location: Centennial Concert Hall, 555 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB
What: Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra’s Alexander Mickelthwate conducts Imaginary Cities, Royal Canoe, Nathan, The Lytics.
- See more at:

Manitoba Rocks!

Date: March 28 and 29 at 8:00pm and March 30 at 2:00pm.
Time: 8:00pm
Location: Centennial Concert Hall, 555 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB
What: Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra’s Alexander Mickelthwate conducts Imaginary Cities, Royal Canoe, Nathan, The Lytics.
- See more at:
Manitoba Rocks!
Date: March 28 and 29 at 8:00pm and March 30 at 2:00pm.
Time: 8:00pm
Location: Centennial Concert Hall, 555 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB
What: Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra’s Alexander Mickelthwate conducts Imaginary Cities, Royal Canoe, Nathan, The Lytics.

Ticket available at Ticketmaster 1.855.985.ARTS or; at the WSO Box Office: 204.949.3999 or

JUNOfest  @ the Exchange Event Centre
291 Bannatyne Avenue
shows start at 12:00 a.m., $15 at the door
 Fri, Mar 28 at 12:00am                      Sat, Mar 29 at 12:00am
Grand Analog                                      Leonard Sumner 
Winnipeg Boyz                                    A Tribe Called Red 
D-Sisive                                               Amanda Rheaume 
DRU                                                    George Leach
Joanna Borromeo                                Inez Jasper
Rich Kidd     

JUNOfest  @ Ozzy's

160 Osborne Street South
shows start at 12:00 a.m., $15 at the door

Fri, Mar 28 at  10:00pm                      Sat, Mar 29 at 10:00pm
Electric Soul                                        Tim "Co-op" Hoover
Mise en Scene                                    DJ Hectic
The Noble Thiefs                                 DJ Hunnicutt
Yes We Mystic                                     DJ Lonnie Ce
                                                            DJ Zuki

JUNOfest  @ Metropolitan Entertainment Centre

176 Fort Street
Fri, Mar 28 at  10:00pm                      Sat, Mar 29 at 10:00pm
The Revival                                          Mahogany Frog
Born Ruffians                                       Glorious Sons
Hollerado                                              JPNSGRLS
July Talk                                                Mounties
Rah Rah                                               Rich Aucoin

The Mariachi Ghost

JUNOfest  @  the Pyramid

281 Donald Steet
Fri, Mar 28 at  10:00pm                      Sat, Mar 29 at 10:00pm
Ali Kahn                                               ATLAAS
Chris Komus                                        Chic Gamine
Coda                                                    Les Jupes
GRAZE                                                Moses Mayes
Jereme Oliver                                      The Treble
Joe Silva
Mike Jasper
Nathan Zahn
Noah Pred 


The Current Lounge @ Inn at the Forks 
75 Forks Market Road
live jazz in the lounge
Fri, Mar 28 at 9:00pm
Erin Propp & Larry Roy  (Juno nominees)

Sat, Mar 29 at 9:00pm
Brooke Van Ryssel Trio  

Sun, Mar 30 at 9:00pm
Anna-Lisa Kirby

* check out the Manitoba Live Music App ( and for more events.

urchase Details: Individual Concert Tickets start at $27.00 and are available through Ticketmaster 1.855.985.ARTS or; at the WSO Box Office: 204.949.3999 or
For those 30 and under (proof of age required) and a member of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra’s Soundcheck, tickets are $15.00.
- See more at: See more at: