Funky Cutz...Check Ça Phat Cutz of the month

Amp Fiddler, Sly & Robbie - Inspiration Information
Groove on down to your local record store & pick up these choice cuts. Or go to:

Friday, 20 May 2016

good times, good tunes....

So, we're heading into a stellar weekend in the 'Peg. Sunshine all round, clubs full of hip shows, and of course, Check Ça on your radio dial. Keep it locked on the show for some very special guests visiting and info about some the Check Ça-friendly shows coming up at Winnipeg Jazz Fest in June.

DJ Special K on the 1's & 2's tonight. Do give us a shout out if your in the 'Peg during the show at 204-774-6877 or send us an email - we love to hear from listeners and supporters!


Will Bonness: Halcyon CD release

Sending a shout-out to Will Bonness on a successful CD release party on May 11th.  Joining him were some of his fellow University of Manitoba Jazz Studies faculty, namely Steve Kirby on bass and Quicy Davis on drums, as well as Winnipeg/New York artist Niall Bakkerstad-Legare on saxophone and Winnipeg's Andrew Littleford on trumpet  (who Check Ça fans may recognise from Dirty Catfish Brass Band). A fun way to spend the evening taking in Will's new music and excellent performances. If you missed the show, check out Professor Bonness' website for details on how to obtain his new album - definitely worth hunting this one down!

Will Bonness
Halcyon  released May 11, 2016 (Winnipeg)

Friday, 13 May 2016

music to savour...

Take a Check Ça-inspired musical tour this week!
Check Ça wants to take you a trip this week to some shows we're excited about!

Paris to Kyiv Fragmenti Remixes - May 14, 8:00 p.m.
Balanced Records is releasing Fragmenti Remixes, a remix of the original release from 2005. The event will feature live performances and two short films featuring music from the new album.

Paris to Kyiv Fragmenti Remixes
Saturday, May 14, 2016
@ Actual Gallery, 300 Ross Ave (Winnipeg)
Doors 7:00 p.m., show at 8:00 p.m. (sharp)
Tickets: $20

Flo , Landmark Events Showcase, May 15, 5:30
Local neo-soul and R&B diva (and I mean that in the best way) will take part the final show for the Landmark Events Showcase with a number of other artists. The exact time of her set is yet to be determined, but keeping checking Facebook. Flo recently received a national award from the Black Canadian Awards for her musical talents and achievements. This will be a fun and varied event - come out to hear Winnipeg's first diva of neosoul

Flo (
Landmark Events Showcase
Sunday, May 15, 2016
@ West End Cultural Centre, 586 Ellice Ave (Winnipeg)
5:30 p.m. (showcase is 3:00 - 11:00 p.m.)
$20 at the door or online

Tanika Charles with Vox Populi, May 18, 8:00 p.m.

Can't wait to get your JazzFest fix?  Get an early dose this Wednesday with Canadian soul artist Tanika Charles. Local outfit Vox Populi (Joanna Majoko and Jocelyn Gould who visited our show last week are members of this fine ensemble) will open the show at Winnipeg's new 'it' spot, The Good Will. Looks to be a fabulous show!
Tanika Charles, opening act Vox Populi
May 18, 2016, 8:00 p.m.
presented by Winnipeg Jazz Festival
@ The Good Will Social Club, 625 Portage Ave (Winnipeg)

Hope you will check out these Check Ça-friendly shows and support these fine local artists!

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Marienda, Will Bonness, Winnipeg JazzFest, and a few of "My Favourite Things"...

Summer is upon us and good things are coming!

Listeners were treated to a live interview and on-air performance last Friday with Jocelyn Gould and Joanna Majoko, and their new musical project Marienda. We had lots of fun gabbin' about music and such. Jocelyn and Joanna will also be part of the opening act - Vox Populi - for the upcoming Winnipeg Jazz Festival concert on May 18 with Canadian soul singer Tanika Charles. Definitely worth checking out! If you missed the party, download the first hour of our show for the week of May 6, 2016 on

(See them live at Ripe Bistro this Thursday, May 12 - good food and great music.)

And of course, the 2016 Wininpeg International Jazz Festival is just around the corner from June 16 to June 26. Lots of great local and international Check Ça- friendly acts.  Over the next month or so, we'll have some special guests and live performances from acts appearing in the festival. Stay tuned!

Check out the line up at:

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Jocelyn Gould and Joanna Majoko on Check Ça this Friday!

Hey Check Ça listerners - a special treat comin' your way this Friday!

If you've been listening the last few weeks, you already know about this special interview and live performance coming up. Well that day is here... This Friday, Jocelyn Gould (guitar and vocals) and Joanna Majoko (vocals) will be on the show and we couldn't be more excited! Folks may remember these two on our Winnipeg Jazz Festival spotlight last year - they are back to share some of their adventures over the past year, update us on their latest project Marienda, tell folks about their upcoming show with Tanika Charles, and to play live on air!

Jocelyn and Joanna will be part of the opening act the Tanika Charles show on May 18, 2016 at The Good Will: 

Tune in this Friday to hear our special spot with Jocelyn Gould and Joanna Majoko.

keep it funky
soulSYS and Special K

Check Ça

every Friday night 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
on CKUW, 95.9FM in Winnipeg