Funky Cutz...Check Ça Phat Cutz of the month

Amp Fiddler, Sly & Robbie - Inspiration Information
Groove on down to your local record store & pick up these choice cuts. Or go to:

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Talking the Ivories - Will Bonness on Check Ca

Hi Folks,

In you missed you it, be sure to check out Will Bonness on the show April 19.  Will is a professor in the University of Manitoba Jazz Studies Program and active musical composer, arranger, educator, and performer in jazz and classical music (and a few other styles too!). We talked about how he got started, some of his musical influences, and about his music. Fun interview and lots of samples of his recordings - a little peek behind the Wizard pianist's curtain!

Here's a clip of Will's music:

Will Bonness

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