Funky Cutz...Check Ça Phat Cutz of the month

Amp Fiddler, Sly & Robbie - Inspiration Information
Groove on down to your local record store & pick up these choice cuts. Or go to:

Monday, 3 June 2019

Alpha Toshinza and DJ Stop.

Well, well, well....  in case you missed it , local hip hop artist Alpha Toshineza stopped by the show on May 31. We chatted about his newest album, upcoming performances, and recent BreakOut West award nomination. Alpha and local artist Prisoner of War drops some rhymes with a kickin' live freestyle jam. A fun visit and looking forward to his next. Check out his latest releases on mutiples

Triple A
Jazz Inuit

Shout out to DJ Stop. who mixes with Alpha Toshineza. He recently posted his last visit to the show on mixcloud (under Passion of the Crates - Jazz Funk Journey by Norman Breaks):

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