Funky Cutz...Check Ça Phat Cutz of the month

Amp Fiddler, Sly & Robbie - Inspiration Information
Groove on down to your local record store & pick up these choice cuts. Or go to:

Friday, 21 June 2019

Curtis Nowosad on Check Ca June 14

In case you missed you it, Curtis Nowosad gave a call for an update on his comings and goings. Curtis is  part of this year's International Winnipeg Jazz Festival and recently released his newest album. When we spoke with him, he had just released another track from the new album, The Water Protectors . There's an interesting history about this song which tells listeners a bit more about this diverse and talented and creative artist:

Listen the interview online on the CKUW website for June 14, 2019:

Thank you to Curtis for his generosity and humour for a detailed and fun interview. Check out his Jazz Fest show on June 22 at the West End Cultural Centre.

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